From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

In the forests of Northern Europe lives the ermine, a small animal best known for its snow-white fur in the winter.  Instinctively, this weasel-like animal protects its glossy fur with great care lest it becomes soiled, and hunters often capitalize on this trait.

Instead of setting a mechanical trap to catch the ermine, hunters will try to find its home in the cleft of a rock or in a hollow tree in order to daub the entrance and the interior with tar.  Then when the hunters and their dogs begin the chase, the frightened ermine will flee toward its home.  But finding it covered with dirt and tar, the ermine will actually spurn his place of refuge!  Rather than soil his white fur, he will courageously face the yelping dogs that hold him at bay until the hunters arrive and capture him.  To the ermine, purity is dearer than life!

Jesus Christ calls for His people to keep themselves unspotted from the kosmos, the system of this world.  It is in this sense that the Bible teaches that we should be sanctified, that is, set apart unto God for a life that is pure and holy.  Question—For us, is purity dearer than life? 

Instead of allowing the world to conform us by squeezing us into its mold, may we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into a life of purity that will be a vibrant testimony to others who are in search of the only Savior this world will ever know.

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard


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