From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Too many indisputable facts from American history are ignored today because they impede the direction in which many “progressives” want to move our culture.  Young adults (16-30 year olds), I especially ask that you consider the following, because I am almost certain that you have never been exposed to these facts in your high school and college education.  In fact, if you are still in school, I would even encourage you to share the following with your instructors for their objective analysis. 

Most of our teachers and professors claim that our Founders were largely secularists, but few of them know that most of our Founders were graduates of colleges or universities that specialized in training ministers of the Gospel.  Would you like some examples?  Well then, please read below:

  • Harvard University was founded in 1636. Josiah Quincy, Harvard’s president from 1829 to 1845, noted that “The College was conducted as a theological institution…having [the Christian] religion for its basis and chief object.”
  • Yale University, founded in 1701, had Thomas Clap as its president from 1740 until 1766, when many of our Founders attended school there. Clap affirmed that “The original end design of colleges was to instruct, educate, and train up persons for the work of the [Christian] ministry.”
  • Princeton was found in 1746, and John Witherspoon, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and an ordained minister, was the college’s president from 1768 until 1794. He trained scores of individuals who became national and state leaders, and Princeton required that “every student shall attend worship in the college hall morning and evening.”
  • Altogether, 29 signers of the Declaration of Independence graduated from religiously-founded universities, but to acknowledge this today would certainly contradict the common educational assertion that our Founders were largely atheists, agnostics, and deists who wanted a secular country. Those assertions, however, are simply not true, and clearly reveal a corrupt and/or uninformed agenda on the part of “progressives” today.
  • Gouverneur Morris, a signer of the Constitution of our country and the most active member of the Constitutional Convention, openly asserted that “Religion is the only solid basis of good morals; therefore, education should teach the precepts of religion and the duties of man towards God.” In fact, he warned, “There must be religion.  When that ligament is torn, society is disjointed and its members perish…The most important of all lessons is the denunciation of ruin to every state that rejects the precepts of religion.” 

By the way, America, take note of that last quote, because it is a good warning for us to remember today!  The fact of the matter is, in early America, the nature of public education was deeply religious in nature, and biblically based public education continued in our country for well over two centuries before ending only recently.

Devotedly your pastor, 

Bill Blanchard





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