From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Any time someone is mistreated or killed, especially when he/she is not guilty nor resisting arrest, we should all be outraged.  And I support those who openly share their outrage in public protests that are peaceful, insisting that we reform our law enforcement policies and procedures to make them better.  In fact, there are many types of horrible acts of violence that should cause all of us to be filled with righteous indignation.  But for our outrage to be authentic, it also needs to be consistent.

With this in mind, let me ask, where is all of the outrage that is being expressed for:

  • The destruction, mayhem, suffering, and death caused by riots and looting?
  • The hundreds of thousands of murders that occur each year in our country against innocent, defenseless, unborn children who cannot yet even speak or run?
  • Those who sodomize our little boys and girls?
  • The attack on traditional marriage and the break up of intact homes which has resulted in all kinds of heart-ache?
  • Those who shoot and kill one another in record numbers in our cities even though the gun laws are strict in many of them?
  • Those who are seeking to defund the budgets of our police officers who, with very few exceptions, are doing their best to protect our citizens by upholding the laws of our country?

I hope you get the point!  For our outrage to be authentic, it must also be consistent.  And I have little sympathy for those who can look the other way when these last six atrocities (and others) are ignored or even encouraged, but want to express their outrage only when an innocent victim is murdered by a rare “bad apple” in one of our police departments.

And, by the way, there is no better blueprint for righteous indignation against all manner of evil in this world than the one found in the Lord Jesus Christ, the only person in all of human history who has been resurrected from the grave never, never, never to die again.  Not only is there salvation in Him, but He also provides a world view that equips us to deal with authentic outrage, not just selective outrage, consistently throughout all of the challenges of life.

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard



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