From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Generosity is at the heart of Christmas. First and foremost, Christmas is centered around God’s generosity toward us that was demonstrated when He gave us His one and only Son that we might find new life in Him.

Because of this truth, as we are now in the Christmas season, this is such a wonderful time to remember that we need to be developing this attitude of generosity (II Corinthians 8:12) too. And please remember that generosity isn’t so much about your wealth as it is about your willingness to honor God and show your love to other people. 

In II Corinthians 9:7, God gives us three specific characteristics of an attitude of authentic generosity: “You must decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” This kind of biblical generosity is: 

  • Always thoughtful. “You must decide in your heart how much to give…” You need to think about how much you are going to give. Don’t just do it impulsively or emotionally. Rather, pray about it, think about it, make up your mind, plan it, and do it.
  • Always voluntary. “Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure.” Never give simply out of guilt. When you do, it won’t grow your faith.
  • Always cheerful. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” The word “cheerful” in the Bible is the Greek word for “hilarious.” So God is saying that He loves a hilarious, cheerful giver!

So be generous in your giving, especially during the Christmas season! And it’s not always about the amount you give, and sometimes it doesn’t even involve money, because you can also be generous with your time and abilities and service. But, whatever you give, do it thoughtfully, voluntarily, and cheerfully.

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard


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