From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Fathers are in a natural position to have one of the greatest opportunities to serve as teachers of just about anyone in the world.  You see, a child in the home has the chance to see if the father and the mother really believe and practice what they teach.

  • A father who teaches love and tolerance to all, and yet consistently maintains a critical attitude in the home as he talks about others, is doing a wrong to his child that is difficult to retrain. It is like poison to the mind of children, and will often be a stumbling block in the way of a child becoming a Christian.
  • A father who says he believes that the Bible is the greatest, most important book in all of world, as he leaves it on the shelf to gather dust, while he spends hours with the newspaper, television, and social media is in reality saying, “Children, the Bible really isn’t that important. Read it if you have any extra time.”
  • A father who talks about the importance of Bible study and worship, and then doesn’t attend consistently himself, is teaching by his actions that he really doesn’t think they are important. 

Just about all of us have heard young children say, “I know that’s so because my Daddy said so!” Men, that child has confidence in you, and the things which he sees you put first in your life are usually going to stand out as mighty important to him too! 

You see, father, you are in a position to be one of the most influential teachers in the entire world!

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard




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