From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Suppose that today we decided to stage an event through one individual that was designed to affect the world forevermore.  Would we choose to start with a baby?  Probably not, because millions of babies are born each year and precious few affect their own country, much less the world.  So [#1], we would probably pick a young man or woman who had demonstrated great natural abilities, and who had influential parents and a great education.  Moreover [#2], he would need to have good contacts if he were to reach any position of authority and influence.  Finally [#3], we would never select one from a minority race. 

Once we had chosen our candidate, we would need to decide what position he should hold.  In the first century, he would surely have been a military leader because power was respected in the Roman Empire.  Today he would probably be a politician.  He would need to be coached very carefully to ensure that he never said anything too controversial that might be used against him later.  We certainly wouldn’t allow him to work as a carpenter, because there he wouldn’t rub shoulders with the intelligent, the sophisticated, and the affluent.

If we had been present 2,000+ years ago to counsel our Heavenly Father about His plan to save the world, we would have told Him that He was doing it all improperly.  And yet the best minds on this earth couldn’t conceive of a plan that would alter history more than what God accomplished through the humble birth of Baby Jesus.  Through this Babe of Bethlehem, God changed the course of human history forever.  Even the Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and Communists all count time backwards and forwards from the birth of Jesus Christ.  Try as they might, not one ruler has been able to obliterate the season that celebrates His birth.

Against this backdrop, it is my joy to wish you a Merry Christmas as we honor the birthday of our Savior and King! 

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard



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