From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Through the work of Mr. Hoyt Samples and others within his law firm (who worked pro bono, as unto the Lord), Chattanooga, TN, became the largest city in America without an abortion clinic.  And, eventually, the former abortion clinic became a National Memorial for the Unborn (look it up on your search engine), an entity that has received national attention from Focus on the Family and other news outlets.  Mr. Samples will be sharing this incredible story with us on Sunday morning, November 10th. 

Then, that very afternoon, at 3:00 p.m., Mr. Hoyt Samples will also be leading an Estate Planning Seminar at Northway as well, at which time he will be distributing free handouts entitled “Leaving Your House in Order.”  Mr. Samples will not be representing any insurances companies or funeral homes, but will simply be offering free legal advice on estate planning.   

In addition to his humble, Christian character, Mr. Samples is an intelligent, articulate, humorous speaker, and his ministry among us will be pro bono!

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard



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