From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

According to a recent Pew Research Center analysis,[1] marriage in this country is declining while living together outside of marriage is rising.  Among adults ages 18-44, 59% have lived together with an unmarried partner at some point in their lives.  You are not surprised by these statistics, are you?  Actually, most Americans (69%) now say that cohabitation is acceptable even if the couple doesn’t plan to get married, and only 14% say that it’s never acceptable for an unmarried couple to live together. 

But here’s the kicker.  When cohabiting couples were asked about satisfaction and trust, only 41% answered in the affirmative.  But when those who are married were asked if things are going well, 58% answered in the affirmative.  And the majority also said that society is better off if couples who want to stay together long term eventually get married.  And, when children are involved, that figure rises even more. 

So, it sum it all up, there are fewer people getting married in our country today, and more people are living together outside of marriage than ever before.  But those who choose marriage are happier and express higher levels of relationship satisfaction and trust in their partner than those who don’t, and marriage is better for society.

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard


[1] Nikki Graf, “Key Findings on Marriage and Cohabitation in the U.S.,” Pew Research Center, November 6, 2019.


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