From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

I have often stated to our young people that, when they go off to almost any state university in our country today, they will be taught to disbelieve almost everything they have been taught morally and spiritually in their church and from their Christian parents. 

They will probably be taught that:

  • The entire historical record upon which Christianity is based is untrue.
  • Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah of Israel, and none of His followers saw Him as divine until centuries after His death.
  • None of the Gospels were first-hand accounts, and Jesus was not a religious figure as much as He was a political one.
  • There were dozens of “gospels,” all of which were thought to be sacred by followers of the Jesus movement.
  • All four gospels in the Bible today are riddled with discrepancies and errors. 

Did you know that a study of faculty members at U.S. colleges and universities found that:

  • 67% of faculty members either “strongly” or “somewhat” agree that homosexuality is as acceptable as heterosexuality.
  • 84% support abortion rights.
  • 75% support extramarital cohabitation.
  • Fewer than a third described themselves as regular church attenders.

Unfortunately, in ever-increasing numbers, college professors are using their classrooms to indoctrinate and propagandize their students, rather than educating and teaching them to pursue the truth wherever it might lead.  And all the while, for the most part, very young students sit passively in the classroom, taking notes, and accepting the professor’s statements uncritically as fact.

So parents and grandparents, this August, as you take your son or daughter off to college, give them one last word of advice.  Not just about binge drinking, money management, and proper nutrition, but also give them a word about their souls and the importance of a faith that is firmly grounded in a biblical worldview, the only sensible worldview that can truly stand of test of scholarly scrutiny!

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard






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