From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

There are two different kinds of ducks.  Puddle ducks, such as mallards and red-heads, simply paddle around the edges of marshes and ponds, feeding in the shallow waters.  That is, they eat only what they can reach from the surface.  On the other hand, diver ducks are able to dive to surprising depths (even up to 150 feet!) to feed from the plants at the bottom of a lake.  Mergansers and canvasbacks are typical in this group. 

Now let’s make a transition spiritually.  There are two kinds of Christians when it comes to knowing God through the study of His Word.  Some, like the puddle ducks, always stay near the surface, satisfied with the nourishment they find in the shallows.  Others, however, are like divers.  That is, following the example of the psalmist, they plunge deeply into the Bible through study, reflection, and meditation “day and night.”

To know God intimately, we must grow in our love, knowledge and discernment of His Word.  Through the pages of the Scriptures, we not only learn facts about God, but we also learn how to know Him personally.  In fact, I believe that the Bible is as much the Word of God as if Jesus Christ Himself were standing right in front of us…speaking to us! 

So let me ask you and encourage you to establish a deepening desire and pattern to study God’s Word.  Don’t just be content to stay near the surface like a mallard.  Rather, like the ducks that dive, you and I should go deeper, seeking to plum the depths of God’s truth, because treasures often lie deep beneath the surface. 

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard


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