From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

While I believe in the importance of leadership in Christian circles, I don’t hear much about the leader also following under authority. In fact, following under authority is a phrase that almost seems derogatory when compared to elevating the ideal of leadership as the pinnacle of success. I mean, when have you ever heard a Christian leader say, “My greatest gift is following”?

With this in mind, the whole concept that “everything rises and falls with leadership” often ignores three important truths. 

First, no Christian can ever be an effective, godly leader until he/she first learns how to follow a purpose, principle, and a person outside of themselves. And a leader who is not operating under authority (to the Lord and other godly leaders) is not to be trusted!

Second, the core of a Christ-like life is not leading; it is following. The clarion call of Jesus to all who would listen and obey was/is, “Follow Me!” So only those who excel in following are able to excel in Christ-like leadership!

Finally, Jesus made it very clear that the GREATEST among us are those who serve others. In Christian circles, we tend to highlight the speakers, authors, mega-church pastors, and television evangelists and personalities, but the ones who will be celebrated the most in heaven will be the Christ followers who are marked by service to others in humility. 

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard


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