From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

When you share and point out something in the Bible with someone else, have you ever had them say, “Well, that’s just your interpretation!”?  Often what they mean by that is, when it comes to what the Bible says, usually it’s nothing more than just one’s personal opinion.  But is that true?  Is interpreting the Bible just the reader’s opinion, completely subjective, so that when it comes to the Bible it’s a free-for-all?  Believe what you want, read it how you wish, because it doesn’t really say anything definitively?

Actually, that is a cultural myth.  The fact of the matter is that there is a field of study for interpretation called “hermeneutics,” which is defined as “the science of interpretation.”  Yes, it is a science—a series of steps, practices, rules, and disciplines that apply to interpretation.  But make no mistake—95% of the Bible does not need any heavy lifting in regards to interpretation.  Here are some quick examples:

  • In the book of Deuteronomy (6:4), we read, “Hear, O Israel. The Lord our God is one.”  So, is there one God or two?  One!
  • In Exodus 20:15, we read, “You shall not steal.” Is it ok to steal or not?  It’s not!
  • In I Thessalonians 4:14, we read that “Jesus died and rose again.” Did Jesus die and rise again or not?  The Bible says that He did.

So, is the Bible obscure in its meaning?  No!  So why do so many people claim that the Bible is difficult to understand?  For some, it’s not in trying to grasp the most obvious meaning, but it’s in accepting the implications of that meaning. 

There is no doubt that some parts of the Bible are hard to understand, because they reflect the places, histories, cultures, and languages of places long ago and far away.  And sometimes it helps to have some background information on those issues to get the best sense of a passage, and there are times when people might disagree about the exact meaning of some verses.  But on the essential teachings and issues, the Bible leaves little room for confusion.

Devotedly yours in Christ, 

Bill Blanchard, Pastor, Northway Community Church


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