From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on


What demeanor do most nativity scenes portray?  Usually, the shepherds stand in place with no expression on their faces, and Joseph and Mary essentially show no emotion either.  Although the wise men, as a matter of history, did not see Jesus until he was a toddler, for sake of convenience they are gathered around the baby Jesus as well, and they are usually holding their gifts with straight, somber faces.  By the way, Don and Ann Mason have set up a beautiful Nativity Scene on our credenza at the back of our worship center that is a remarkable exception to what I just stated!  Please look it over and you’ll be blessed! 

At any rate, and in contrast to the somber tones of many modern day nativity scenes, the demeanor we find in the biblical story of Christmas is quite different.  Read the account in the early chapters of the gospels of Matthew and Luke and you will find the following phrases and expressions: 

  • Glorifying
  • Praising
  • Do not be afraid
  • Good news
  • Great joy
  • Come in haste
  • Look up
  • Look around
  • Invite

With this in mind, can you now picture Jesus beaming from the manger?  And while Mary may have been very tired from having just given birth, can you not imagine both Joseph and Mary raising their arms in triumph and celebration at the birth of the Messiah?  Can you also not imagine the shepherds dancing and the wise men laughing out loud?  Even the animals, perhaps, were braying and bellowing festive sounds.

So, yes, this is a time to worship God in majestic holiness, but it is also a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard


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