From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

For those of you who are over the age of 40, will you think back with me to 11:38 a.m. (EST), the moment that the Challenger roared off launch pad #398 on January 28, 1986?  The duration of that fatal flight was 73 seconds.  All of us were shaken as we witnessed in horror the incinerating explosion of the Challenger one mile up and ten miles out.  We each waited silently for news that the seven astronauts had been found safely in some raft a few miles off the coast of Daytona, but that hope was unfounded. 

Then President Reagan, in addressing the nation about this tragedy, said: “The future does not belong to the faint-hearted!”  Such words were directed to those well-meaning opponents of space venture who wanted to do away with NASA entirely.  Their desire was for our nation to pitch our tents at the scenes of failure, sorrow, and discouragement.  When that philosophy is applied to any endeavor, it will fail.

As the Lord is leading our church in bold, new directions, will another generation be grateful for our courage?  Indeed, the future does not belong to the faint-hearted when it comes to exploring outer space, nor does it belong to the faint-hearted when the will of God, the power of prayer, and the promises of the Scriptures are concerned.

“Throttle Up” was the last command to be heard from Dick Scobee, the valiant commander of the Challenger.  As we have recently stepped forward into a new year with opportunities and challenges abounding, and God giving us the go ahead to obey, may our reply be, “Roger...Throttle Up!”

Devotedly your pastor,

Bill Blanchard




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