From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

November is when Americans traditionally celebrate the Thanksgiving season.  It originated from the practices of our Pilgrim forefathers, who gave thanks to God for (1) a land where they could worship freely according to the dictates of the Scriptures and of conscience, and for (2) His providence over them in helping survive the hardships of the new land.

Although we have followed their example as a nation in setting aside a time to thank God, over the past few years this tradition, and many others like it, are being cancelled/pushed aside.  And these changes occur fastest when we no longer know our history.  Let me give you 3 quick examples.

First, we are now told that Francis Scott Key who penned our National Anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner, was a racist.  But the fact of the matter is Key was an ardent advocate for racial liberty, fighting for the freedom of hundreds of slaves in court.

Second, recently some of our university students protested a statue of “racist slave owner” Abraham Lincoln.  But the fact of the matter is Lincoln never owned slaves and was the man who ended slavery in America.

Third, a plaque to George Washington has now been removed from the church where he long attended, and yet George Washington signed the first federal anti-slavery law and was one of the loud voices against slavery. 

The so-called Progressives in our country today are leading an all-out effort to take many of our national heroes, mis-portray them, and turn them into the scum of the earth.  And this includes even the Pilgrims.  For instance, we are now being told that the Pilgrim Thanksgiving did not involve thanks to God at all, but rather it was primarily a time for them to say thank you to the Indians.

Sadly, we are being exposed to cultural nonsense today by those who detest our country, our Constitution, the way we were founded, and the values upon which our country was formed.  And the leaders of this propaganda either don’t know our history or they are pleased to ignore it, but the fact of the matter is that traditional Thanksgiving in America has always been centered around the deep and profound respect for and worship of the God of the Bible. 

Devotedly your pastor, 

Bill Blanchard



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