From Pastor Bill

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Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

In terms of the cultural slides into the moral and spiritual abyss, Europe, the U.K, and Canada are typically seen as a half step ahead of the United States.  With that in mind, two recent events should be of great concern to American families who seek to rear their children according to historic, Judeo-Christian values. 

First, in Canada, a judge in British Columbia [See National Post, February 28, 2019] ruled that a 14-year old girl can proceed with hormone injections to help transition from a female to a male body against the objections of her father.  Furthermore, the judge ruled that the father must refer to his daughter as a boy and by her chosen male name, and that the girl must be allowed to change her legal name.  Again, without the father’s consent.

Second, in the U.K. [Birmingham] parents are protesting about forced “relationships education” for primary-age children, specifically, mainstream LGBTQ lessons [See The Times of London, September 20, 2019].  Many are now pulling their children out of the schools and choosing to homeschool their children.  The reaction has been swift and sure: the parents are being accused of taking their children “off the grid” and leaving them “open to extreme views.”

Here’s the lesson—You can parent as long as you parent the way the government has deemed appropriate, and that must include indoctrinating them in the dominant mores of society.  So if you parent your child counter-culturally, even concerning issues such as sexuality or faith, then you are a threat to society.

It would seem to me that our culture is asking children to embrace mature themes and experiences long before they are ready.  God wants our children to be sheltered from certain idea, practices, expectations, and knowledge.  And then only as a child grows into adulthood and can more properly embrace a biblical worldview should these experiences be revealed in ways that the child can deal with them properly.

So, those with Christian sensibilities, we must realize that a cultural war has been declared on parenting and the home.  It has come for all of us, and so we must use every ounce of political and cultural persuasion that we can muster to stand against it.

Devotedly yours in Christ, 

Bill Blanchard, Pastor





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