From Pastor Bill

Showing items for 'Dr. Bill Blanchard'


Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

This year, May 28th is set aside as “Memorial Day” in our country.  Although many often see this day as little more than the first day of the summer vacation season, it has its roots in the time of national mourning following the American Civil War.  It was first known as...


Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

As I think back to my mother when I was a child, and as I have watched our three children and eight grandchildren relate to my wife, I have observed all of the following in action: a barber and beautician, fashion consultant, chairperson, mechanic, teacher, veterinarian, equipper, interpreter...


Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

There is a thin line that a Christian must walk between relevance and compromise, between being “in” the world and being “of” the world.  With this in mind, I am growing increasingly concerned about a major trend within churches and among church leadership that I...


Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

“…moreover, it is required of stewards [managers of what God has entrusted to each of us] that one be found faithful” (I Cor. 4:2].  With this text before us, how would you answer the following questions? If your car starts seven out of eight times, would you consider it...


Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Human beings are the only creatures in all the earth who have a desire to take another species and make pets out of them.  With nothing to receive in return materially, we like to domesticate animals, provide for their basic needs, and shower them with love and affection.  In fact, 9...


Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Have you ever been amazed at the intricacies of nature that were established by our Creator?  Time and time again, I have been, and many of these intricacies even draw very close parallels to the inter-actions among healthy Christians within the Body of Christ, the Church!  Let me give...


Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Do you remember the story when some parents brought their children to Jesus so that he could hold and bless them, but the disciples scolded the parents for bothering Jesus?  Please take the time to read four verses in Mark 10:13-16 that recount Jesus’ reaction to this setting. What...


Posted by Dr. Bill Blanchard on

Would you like some practical suggestions for your prayer life?[1]  If so, please read on.  After a time of confession and praise, tell God all that is on your mind and in your heart, much like you would talk to a trustworthy, dependable friend. Tell Him your: Troubles, that He may...